If you truly want to clean a shower effectively, the way forward is by creating a schedule. The best schedule includes daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. In this way, you'll prevent dirt buildup, and as a result, maintain hygiene and your shower's aesthetics.
You can follow this schedule:
Daily Tasks
Perform quick tasks such as drying the floor, rinsing the wall tiles, and wiping surfaces. The best time to perform these tasks is after every bath so that you get rid of moisture, body oils, hair, soap, and other elements that cause buildup.
Weekly Tasks
Weekly cleaning involves going beyond daily cleaning and including tasks such as scrubbing the toilet bowl and sink. Also, instead of just using plain water, you'll use a cleaner to loosen dirt and scum. Your weekly schedule should also include cleaning taps, mirrors, toilet paper holders, towel racks, and other fixtures.
Monthly Tasks
It's time to get deep. You see, monthly cleaning should be the most thorough. This is the time to thoroughly scrub grout lines and wall tiles. You'll also perform other tasks that you didn't do weekly, such as removing stains and changing shower curtains.
Occassional Tasks
You'll perform occasional tasks only when the need arises. For instance, if your sink or floor's drainage is slow, that's the right time to unblock it. Another occasional task is resealing grout. You can do it when you notice the sealant is falling apart. It all depends on which task is necessary at the moment.