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Still using an old style cotton mop? According to this article by Clean Link "Most argue that nine out of 10 times, microfiber will outperform cotton." So here's why you should make the switch! (Or watch our video below to learn more)

1. Super Absorbent

A single microfiber can hold up to 7x it's weight in water! Microfiber is able to pick-up and absorb spills, rather than push them around. Plus microfiber is inorganic which doesn't allow bacteria to grow like it would on cotton alternatives.

2. Longer Lasting

Microfiber mops last way longer than cotton. The microfiber mop pads can be washed and reused hundreds of times while maintaining its effectiveness. Cotton Mops are not only much harder to wash, they tend to lint more, as well as fray and fall apart in the wash too.

3. Picks Up More Dirt

A microfiber is much smaller than a cotton fiber. Thus it's able to scoop up a variety of smaller dust and dirt particles that would be much more difficult with cotton. This is why microfiber is able to clean great with just plain water.

Also microfiber is a natural dust magnet! It's carries a positive charged, thus clinging to negatively charged dust particles.

4. Easier To Use - Ergonomic

Not only are microfiber mop pads, much more lightweight than a cotton string mop head, but because Microfiber cleans much better than cotton, it doesn't need as much water to clean! Plus you don't to lug a round a bucket and wringer, instead just dampen the mop pads with water and wring them out when they get too dirty or wet! It's that easy.

5. Save & Make You Money!

The above advantages of choosing microfiber can save and make you money!  

  • Longer lasting products = less spending on replacements
  • Able to clean with just water = less spend on cleaning solutions
  • Ergonomic = less workplace and employee injuries.
  • Superior Cleaning = customer loyalty and more 5 star reviews.

Best-Selling Microfiber Mop

  • Get any hard flooring surface streak-free!
  • Easy-to-Use. No mop bucket needed
  • Cleans great with just water!
  • Machine Washable Pads

Deep Clean Hard Floors, Effortlessly.

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