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How to Prepare Yourself for Spring Cleaning

How to Prepare Yourself for Spring Cleaning

As a cleaning supplies company, we talk a lot about the physical action of cleaning; the how-to’s, what to use, and where to use it. But something we don’t often talk about is the mental load that comes with cleaning.

When the stress and anxiety of decluttering your pantry or organizing under your kitchen sink feels like too much to tackle, it’s easy to avoid the task altogether. But doing so only makes you feel worse.

So with spring right around the corner, we wanted to walk you through the best way to prepare your home — and mind — for the annual ritual of spring cleaning.

If you’re a pro cleaner, this will be important to your clients, so speak to them about their spring cleaning goals. Then learn how you can make deep cleaning profitable for your business.

A Brief History of Spring Cleaning

Like New Year’s resolutions, many use spring cleaning as a way to challenge themselves, improve their home environment, and check things off that they’ve been meaning to do for months, or even years.

But spring cleaning is not a new concept. Humans have been spring cleaning for thousands of years. From the Songkran ritual in Thailand to the Persian custom of khāneh-tekānī (“shaking the house”), this time of the year has long been seen as the perfect time for deep cleansing.

When the winter is over, the weather warms up, and the days become longer. This seasonal shift organically motivates us with the desire to declutter and deep clean our environment.

Being in the northern hemisphere also means that we’ve still got three-quarters of the year ahead of us, so it’s the perfect time for a mental reset.

How to Mentally Prepare Yourself for Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning is overwhelming for anyone when you look at the task in its entirety. So here are five steps to help you prepare, so you can tackle it head-on.

1. What are your goals?

Everything in life works better when we have goals, and spring cleaning is no different. So write down a high-level list of areas or tasks you want to accomplish.

Do you want to free up valuable space in your attic? Do you want to adopt a more minimalist lifestyle? Or are you trying to turn your home into a clutter-free sanctuary you won’t want to leave?

Defining specific things will help you stay focused and motivated throughout each task.

2. Create a plan of action.

A plan of action should have more specific details about what needs to be done and when. The simplest way is to do it room-by-room, creating a schedule or checklist.

If you have a lot of tasks to tackle, you can then organize the tasks into days and weeks.

Breaking it down this way makes it more manageable so the entire process feels far less overwhelming.

3. Visualize the end result.

Before you begin, and throughout your spring cleaning journey, it helps to imagine how your space will look and feel once it’s clean.

Create a vision board, and remind yourself often of what you set to gain by completing each task.

Visualization is a powerful tool that’ll help you stay on track during the process.

4. Gather your supplies.

Proper preparation is not only a mental exercise. You need to ensure you’ve got all the best tools and supplies you need to make spring cleaning as easy and efficient as possible so you don’t give up at the first sign of difficulty.

Get yourself a cleaning caddy, and stock up on high-quality supplies, such as:

Ensuring you’ve got all the necessary equipment beforehand will empower you to clean faster with minimal interruptions.

5. Practice mindfulness.

The final step is to approach this entire process with a positive mindset. Many of us go into cleaning tasks with the idea that it’s a burden that needs to be completed.

Shift your thinking from: “This is a chore,” to: “This is an opportunity.”

Remember to take breaks when needed, stay hydrated, and keep your favorite snacks on hand. Also, be kind and patient with yourself. Spring cleaning isn’t an easy task, or else we’d be doing it all year round.

Spring Clean Your Mind

If you’re thinking about a spring clean overhaul this year, remember to set goals, make a plan, visualize the end result, stock up on supplies in advance, and see it as an opportunity—not a burden.

Spring cleaning is more than just about cleaning house. It provides you with a much-needed mental reset and gives you clarity and room to breathe in the physical and mental spaces that you exist in

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