In Most Cases, All You Need is Microfiber to Clean
Do you remember schools 30+ years ago, when there were always several kids with peanut and gluten allergies? Yeah. Me neither.
Allergies have been on the rise for the past few decades. What’s surprising is, it’s partly due to the overuse of disinfectants and sanitizers. Basically, we’re too clean.
To simplify it, when we kill bacteria and germs with disinfectants, our immune systems don’t get exposed to any microbes (i.e, germs). Anyone with kids should know that in order for them to build up an immune system when they’re young, they need to get exposed to germs.
Now, nobody’s performing open-heart surgery in their living room (I hope). Yet some people clean like they are. They douse their floors and countertops with bleach frequently to kill anything that could, well, kill them. It’s become a health habit that’s not-so-healthy for us.
In addition to disinfectants being overused, this is also when surface damage occurs. There are several things in the home you should never clean with bleach because it can cause irreparable damage.
Other products that can cause damage to surfaces in the home are more obvious things like:
- steel wool
- scrubbing brushes
- powdered cleaners (like Bar Keepers Friend)
- pumice stones
- cleaning pastes (like The Pink Stuff)
- scrapers
But, do you know what doesn’t cause damage to any surface, but is still an effective cleaner? You guessed it. Microfiber!
Microfiber and water will get non-porous surfaces around 98% clean, removing harmful germs and bacteria. Add a multi-surface cleaner, and that number goes up. It’s really only when you’re cleaning a toilet or kitchen sink, should you use a disinfectant like bleach.