If you’re one of those magical humans that love cleaning, have tons of energy to spare, and find scrubbing your slimy shower super satisfying, this list is not for you, but please feel free to enjoy our library of cleaning how-to videos while the rest of us have a little chat.
OK, now that the perfect people are gone, let's have a real talk. Cleaning is hard, sometimes it can be downright gross, and worst of all it literally never ends, as the moment you finish some well-meaning toddler (or overgrown child in the form of your spouse or roommate) comes barreling through all your hard earned sparkle.
'As frustrating as it is, though, you really can’t abandon the task all together, as your physical and mental health demands at least a reasonably clean environment. Even if you hire a professional service, they can’t be there every day to take care of the never ending basics that wear even the most motivated of us down sometimes.
While there is no silver bullet to making cleaning a delight every day, these tips will make it as tolerable and efficient as possible even on lousy days, which is no small feat given the starting point.