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The Best House Cleaning Products - 3 Reasons You Need Microfiber!

The Best House Cleaning Products - 3 Reasons You Need Microfiber!

Your counters are sparkling, your floors are spotless, the clutter is gone, and you can finally breathe in that crisp fresh air. That’s the feeling of a freshly cleaned home, and there’s nothing like it! That’s why choosing the best house cleaning products is so important.

The dilemma? Getting there is another story. Cleaning is hard work. It’s tedious and can even be stressful. For all the great and rewarding benefits of cleaning, it sure seems like a chore that nobody would ever want to do. So make it easy on yourself by using the best house cleaning products, choose microfiber! Here are 3 benefits you’ll get from using microfiber products.

A Happier Healthier Home

⚠⚠⚠ "Hazardous”, “Use With Caution”, “Warning” not exactly the words you want to see. But read the labels on many of our daily chemical cleaners and you’ll notice these words in bold! This can go without saying, but constant exposure to chemical cleaners can be bad for your health. So why pay for something that's not good for you?

With Microfiber products, you can clean without the use of chemicals, and many times all you need is just water! That's because microfibers are extremely small (1/100th the diameter of a human hair) and can absorb up to 7 times their weight in water, thus you have millions of fibers working together to help clean a surface without missing a spot. Microfibers are even small enough to remove harmful germs and bacteria (some studies showed up to 99% bacteria removal). This makes microfiber great for preventing cross contamination, so even if you want to use chemical cleaner for things like disinfecting, safe to say you won't need to be spraying as much!

Take our Microfiber Glass Cleaning Pack for example. All you need is water to get your mirrors and windows streak free in just a few minutes! See how it works below.

Save Money

I don’t need to explain to you why saving money is a benefit, but how exactly can your choice in household cleaning products do this? Here are 3 reasons microfiber is a more economical choice.

  1. Ditch Chemical Sprayers and Solutions. As mentioned above, microfiber products can accomplish many of your daily cleaning tasks with just the use of water. This limits your spending on excess chemical cleaning solutions.
  2. No More One And Done Products. Can you imagine how much you could save if you just used microfiber towels to wipe down your counters instead of Clorox wipes or paper towels?
  3. Longer Lasting Than Cotton. Microfiber products can last through hundreds of washings, meaning you’ll be using them for years before replacing them.

Save Time & Makes Cleaning Easy

What if I told you cleaning didn’t have to be the repetitive and tedious task it’s made out to be? If your hand starts to hurt when scrubbing, your knees start to ache from crouching for too long, or your neck and back ache from pushing around heavy mops and vacuums then you need to hear this. Because microfiber has such an amazing cleaning ability to pick up dirt and dust, this means less time scrubbing and cleaning and just letting the microfiber do the work for you! Let's use mopping as an example:

When dust mopping, they're way easier to use than a vacuum cleaner. It's much more lightweight, glides across your floors, maneuvers around furniture, and there's no hassle of moving back and forth over the same spot. Plus there's no cords or extra hardware to get in your way.

When wet mopping, Microfiber mop systems are much easier to push and maneuver around compared to dragging around a traditional cotton mop. That's because they use less water to clean. Instead of weighing your mop down by dunking it in a bucket of dirty water, all you need to do is rinse and wring out the pads in the sink and they're like new. Check out our video below comparing microfiber mops to traditional ones.

Microfiber Products Clean Better Than The Alternatives! But...

Not all microfiber products are the same. As with anything, there are varying levels of quality and microfiber products are no exception. Better microfiber products will pickup spills and dirt, rather than just push it around, and they will continue to work great after continually using and machine washing.

Unfortunately there are some limitations to knowing how well something is going to work until you've actually tried it out for yourself. To help assure our customers that we care about quality, consider the following:

  • Quality starts with manufacturing. Our customers can know where our microfiber is manufactured and who makes it! We've even take our best microfiber towels and made sure they clean better than their competition. (Watch Video)
  • Tested for longevity. We've wash tested our best microfiber products to ensure they still work great after multiple launderings. See the results. Plus our hardware is made from durably proven materials like stainless steel and heavy-gauge aluminum.
  • Loved by cleaning professionals! Our company started by selling to cleaning professionals and we continue to make that our niche so durability has always been top of mind when designing our products. See testimonials from professional cleaners or visit our clean like a pro section to see how pro cleaners use our products!

We truly believe in our products and we want you to do the same! We offer free shipping and free returns on every order. If you are new to Microfiber Wholesale® check out our best sellers! I'm pretty sure you'll find something just for you and we can almost guarantee you won't be disappointed. If so, just give us a call and we will do our best to make things right.

Deep Clean Hard Floors, Effortlessly.

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